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Monday, September 11, 2006

Support Firefighters; Trust New Yorkers

$600,000 was spent on investigating the collapse of the twin towers.
Over $40 million was spent to investigate President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinski.


Also, in a recent Zogby Poll: 66% of New Yorkers want 9/11 reopened. 49% believe some U.S. leaders knew in advance and they consciously failed to act.

Let's remember the people who died on 9/11, not only with a moment of silence, but by opening our eyes and seeking the truth.

Also, remember this: people who do not believe the official 9/11 story do not doubt that people suffered and died that day. They simply don't believe in the official report about how it happened. Saying that these people are un-American or don't support the troops or firefighters or whoever and should just stand behind the president is idiotic. Remember that this nation celebrates dumping tea, not drinking KoolAid.


Karen 9/11/2006 03:39:00 PM  

Thanks, Kurt. While I don't know what I think about what really happened, I can support the dumping of tea.