If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Biking Shoes - Problematic

When my mountain bike was stolen I got some insurance money to buy a new one. I decided on a road bike and bought a $180 pair of biking shoes that were cool in the mid 90s but now seem like a mistake.

Here they are. They look pretty cool. You twist a knob at the back to tighten them. No one else has these that I know of. The reason must be that:

  • They were so expensive that everyone else had enough common sense to stay away;
  • Everyone else knew they sucked; or,
  • I was doomed the minute I pushed for a replacement cost estimate on my stolen mountain bike. I should have just taken the money and bought a Trek like everyone else.

The bottom has a LOOK cleat in it that snaps into the pedal. That part is fine.

The bad part is that when the plastic string breaks, you are out of luck. It's like weed wacker cord but it's too thin that noone I can find sells a cord that narrow of a diameter. So I fixed mine with picture hanging wire. That broke too so I have to fix them again.

Again, my shoes. They look kind of sad I think.