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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ron Tinsley - Duluth Police Officer

Sandy's brother Ron is being sworn in as a Duluth Police Officer today. We are really proud of him because he has worked so hard to get this chance. But a chance for what? Well, cruising Duluth at night looking for prostitutes, for one. That seemed to be Mike's major activity when I went on ride alongs with him, and that wasn't even police related. Ron will also be dragging people to jail, and helping with domestic disputes. But this job will not be without challenge. Ron has to memorize where all the coffee and doughnut shops are within a 2 mile radius of his beat, and know which places chintz on the cream filling.

Also Ron, I think you should start a blog. That way you can let us all know how its going on a daily basis. You can set it up so all you have to do is email a little update about what's going on and everything will be filled out for you. Just don't put all that Bears crap on your blog like Mike does. How tacky. :-)

Good luck Ron!