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Monday, May 15, 2006

New neighbors moving in early. . .unbeknownst to the seller.


I don't even know if that is a proper word. I think it is.

The house accross from us has been unoccupied since last year. I have been taking care of the lawn and shoveled the driveway during the winter. Today Sandy called to say that some people were moving in. In fact, it looked like the neighbors two doors down were helping. Highly suspicious. We called the owner, who said that the house was closing tomorrow. Which makes this flurry of activity -- illegal. Come to find out, their relatives bought the house. Apparantly, they got the key from the realtor saying that they wanted to mow the lawn. Sandy did not hear a lawn mower but she did see a moving van.

Maybe the moving van is carrying a riding lawn mower?