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it's because I don't post much anymore.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Stephen Colbert - American Hero

This past Saturday night Stephen Colbert did what no other man has done before that I know of. Made fun of and slammed the President, to his face, in front of millions, for over 20 minutes. He excerised his American right to speak his mind, and did it with complete style.

A transcript can be found here:


Read about the reaction from the media here:


or search for it here:


Because no way in hell will you hear about it from these people:

abc nbc cbs cnn

Anyone who has not seen the video and wants to and can't find it, I will make a DVD and send it to you. You just have to promise to show it to someone else who hasn't seen it.

It's about time someone spoke truth to power in Washington.