If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Kurt, how come you never blog anymore?

Because I'm too busy fixing the side of my house?

Initial inspection of damage.

A photo looking down into the chimney area. No nuts that I can see, but lots of wood chips on top of the insulation that lays on top of our now gas fireplace insert.

To make a patch, I sacrificed the case of my first computer, a FastData 386Dx40. This was actually an easy decision to make in the end, so the hacksaw went to work. The computer will be cooler now, anyway.

Used the same hacksaw to cut a new piece of vinyl siding to replaced the chewed one.

Screwed on metal patch, and installed new siding over it. Sprayed craft glue on the chewed area and covered it with powdered Cayenne pepper. Sprayed more spray glue over it. Only mistake was when I blew the pepper up there after shaking it into my hand, I blew some of it up my nose. Yikes!


Kurt Schroeder 5/04/2007 07:48:00 AM  

I showed this to a customer who works in the Pest Control industry. He got a kick out of it.

Heather 5/04/2007 10:18:00 PM  

looks like fun...or not. Good luck with that.