If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I am starting to work on the Christmas letter

It's hard to think about topping last year's letter, which took a couple months to prepare. And as my only goal every year is to out do the previous year's letter, I have a few options:

  1. Not doing one at all. This would be the equivalent of a reboot. I could just throw in the towel and send out a picture of my kids that says Merry Christmas.
  2. Doing an 80's themed old-fashioned photocopied clip art Christmas letter.
  3. Finally implement the Christmas letter from space idea.
  4. Hand deliver Christmas cards and/or carol at everyone's home.
  5. Send out a signed and autographed copy of last years Christmas letter picture.
  6. Let the kids take over and do whatever they want.
  7. Spent a couple months doing this year's letter and then give myself a break and do something crappy next year.
  8. Plan H.
Plan H.



ellen 5/29/2009 02:25:00 PM  

I'm liking # 4, but the kids will need passports!