Quick question:
Why would someone who drives a new Mercedes shop at Wal-Mart?
a) Can't actually afford it.
b) There is no B.
kids and pets. husband and wife. pictures and text. kurt and sandy.
Why would someone who drives a new Mercedes shop at Wal-Mart?
a) Can't actually afford it.
b) There is no B.
My dad always told me, "you have to save money to have money."
And while I have shopped at Walmart b/c in the past we had nooooo money, the above statement is in no way an endorsement of shopping at Walmart. But it might explain the Mercedes.
Good point. Still, no one ever saved money buying a new Mercedes...Sam Walton drove an old pickup, if the stories are true. :-) Talk about selectivity!
Ironically, his autobiography is called "Made in America" What a hoot.
Well, you still need pit-stick when you drive a Mercedes, don't you?
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