Possible Christmas Letter Crisis
The cheap envelopes we used may have been too much to hold in the letter. At least one person has contacted us to say that all they received was a blank envelope. And on most of them, we used a glue stick and a leaf press to try to hold it together.
I know one things for sure. Making more and sending them out is out of the question!
More to come. . .
My friend Traci at work received hers, as did the Larsons.
It'll really be too bad if a bunch of them were mangled or something in the post office. I know THE LETTER is a big job/sense of pride for you, and it'll be a shame if they're destroyed. I'll let you know one way or the other if mine comes today.
More people have received them-- people from work, Erik, and the Roeds. Byt other people have not - my boss and Mom for two. I will post links to see the letter at the end of this week.
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