If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I don't trust Blogger

I trust myself.

The reason that I started this blog is to document the various events in my life and the life of my family. Sandy scrapbooks. I do this. And I want to keep it. So to backup my blog I use wget, which is available for Linux and Windows.

The command to backup a blog is:

wget --wait=7 -r --span-hosts --level=2
--convert-links http://nameofblog.blogspot.com/
And it works great. All the files are put into a directory that I can archive on a CD every couple months. If Blogger ever goes away, I'll still have all my blog entries, and all my pictures.


Michael and Anne 8/05/2005 02:21:00 AM  

Good idea.. but I will have to call u to figure that one out. Maybe you should make a blog about how many times your brother calls you for computer assistance. What is your hourly rate?

Kurt Schroeder 8/05/2005 08:19:00 AM  

Wget is a program that retrieves web pages and resources (any other files associated with web pages). When you run wget it saves the files into a directory structure the same as the web page you are retrieving. For example:


Just download and install it and run the command line. Then walk away for a while.