If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Countdown to a Surprise . . . A Comedy of Errors

Issues plaguing the sucessful completion of the James Blunt surprise:

  • Sandy religiously checks the Visa account
    • Ordered using Mom's Visa card
  • Sandy did not want to "go to dinner" at Kate and Matt's so early
    • Was convinced by Kate to come early because Matt's mom "had to go home early" and wanted to see the grandkids at a particular time
  • A former teaching colleague at John Marshall passed away
    • Sandy asked Carries Boes to go to the wake with her but I called her back secretly and told her to cancel on that.
    • Called Kate to tell her to go along with whatever Sandy said about coming over Monday night.
    • Sandy called me today and said that she was going to the wake tonight and the funeral tomorrow. I said "OK." :-)
  • Tonight's weather forecast calls for rain and snow but it doesn't look too bad...