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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Letter to the Editor - May 4, 2006

My wife and I are readers of this newspaper, and we would appreciate being told the news when it happens. Many readers of your paper, and those who may only get their news from ABC, CBS, and NBC, will be completely unaware of the Stephen Colbert speech given at this year's White House Correspondents Dinner, televised on CSPAN this last Saturday. Colbert, who is a commentator for a Comedy Central news show, gave the keynote address at the event. He so effectively skewered our president, and the press corps that is supposed to be our eyes and ears in Washington, that most in attendance sat shame faced. Big laughs came from non reporters in attendance -- Valerie Plame, George Clooney, and even Justice Scalia -- but does this paper or other major news media report on it? No. If they discuss the event at all, it is to talking about an unfunny skit that Bush did. Five days late, some major media outlets are now talking about it but they all say it wasn't funny. Note to the media -- If something happens that is newsworthy, please tell us about it. We will decide what is important and what is funny. Like Colbert said: "Make, announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know - fiction! "

We'll see if they publish it. So far our newspaper has not written a thing about the event.


Sandy 5/07/2006 07:52:00 PM  

FYI: His letter was published on Friday, May 6. One of the MANY fine opinions he's sent finally acknowledged!

Kurt Schroeder 5/08/2006 07:41:00 AM  

Yeah, like that idea I had about running the coal trains down the middle of Highway 52 instead of through town went nowhere man. Sheesh.