If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The lifespan of a blogger. . .

Sandy's blog is called "SuperMommy" but she has it at http://sandyandkurt.blogspot.com because http://supermommy.blogspot.com was taken. However, the original SuperMommy does not update her blog, and hasn't since June 23, 2003. That made me wonder two things:

  1. What did Blogger templates look like years ago?
  2. Could I find other blogs that were old and not updated anymore.
The answers are "very different" and "YES!"
In my mind, when someone is done blogging, they should archive their blog and delete it, or at least provide a statement of why they stopped blogging. Unless they die and no one knew they blogged. In that case, I hope that "grayson's site sucks" were not someone's dying words.


Kurt Schroeder 6/26/2006 04:41:00 PM  

Yeah get off your ass. Geez.

Bea 7/06/2006 01:26:00 PM  

Hey, Kurt Schroeder - Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a great comment on my Angelina post. This post is hilarious (though when I went to grayson's blog, it was just white space - did I miss something?).