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Friday, August 04, 2006

Advice to my little Runaway

Lately Annika has been packing her stuff and announcing her intention to run away.

I'd say it's about time.

However, her method leaves a little to be desired, and her packing jobs suffer from an over-abundance of toys. While I would admit that Annika is a little young for the full freedom of the great outdoors, I would offer her the following advice:

    1. Pack light.

      You want to be able to easily carry what you bring, so don't bring that much, and carry what you pack in some sort of backpack. Mainly you would want to bring a change of clothes, a jacket appropriate for the weather, and a book. No, not The World According to Garp or Max and Ruby but a book appropriate for the occassion: Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman. It's a little out of date, but it contains quite a few real gems.

    2. Remember that we love you.

      Use this to your advantage and take one of our credit cards when you go. Just pay attention so you'll know the ATM number, because if you try to use the card directly you might be caught. We'll feel better knowing that you have money, and Mom will spend the days monitoring the Visa transactions at wellsfargo.com. Don't buy too many stuffed animals though, they'll quickly fill up that backpack.

    3. Bring a phone and mace.

      This makes it easy to order pizza if no pay phone available, and the mace is your personal protection. Don't let anyone steal your pizza, or your stuffed animals.

    4. Bring the camera.

      Someday you will want to look back on your adventure, and you'll want lots of pictures of the outdoors to look at, because we're gonna lock your ass in your room when you eventually come home.


Heather 8/04/2006 09:04:00 PM  


So I thought this post was pretty funny.

Sandy 8/04/2006 09:25:00 PM  

Leave it Dad to take this angle on our little family issue!