If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Me and my boy Alex

After hitting the firehouse last night, Alex and I hit the town. He came away with a few digits, but he'll have to wait to use them til he knows his numbers.


Sandy 10/13/2006 04:47:00 PM  

He had a little too much LacTaid that night, huh?

Or, don't tell me...he got into Owen's pulmicort stash!

Heather 10/13/2006 10:27:00 PM  

Alex totally looks like he's had a bit too much LacTaid. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Did Owen get his beer?

Miss M asked me tonight if she could just have a drop of wine. Nice. On the plus side, when I told her no, she said "okay!"