If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Halloween

Normally it takes an act of God to get me to do anything special for work for Halloween. I just don't like dressing up. A few years I have said I was dressed as a print specialist. Other years I just said I didn't want to do it. This year, however, my friend Sandra was running the Halloween festivities for the Support Center so I dressed up. I have two referee shirts--one from my first job as a shoe salesman at Foot Locker, and one I bought some years ago. I don't remember where I got it. It's more form fitting than the other one, and I think it actually looks nice on me.

Kind of a cool pose. I think I kinda look like Conan O'Brien in this one.

Dorky. Looks like I have no bottom teeth. Oh yeah, because I have no bottom teeth.

I'm glad I dressed up. Last night, Sandy and Mom and I took the kids out trick or treating. We probably went to (thinks) 13 or 14 houses. Most people gave each kid about 2 pieces of candy. In our neighborhood there are no sidewalks and we kinda live on the top of a hill surrounded by houses without their lights on, so I think a lot of potential kids might see it as not being worth the effort.

(Image created in MS Paint and the GIMP.)

When we got home I gave the boys a bath and gave Owen his nebulizer and put a sucker into one of the holes in the mask. Annika slept with her green glow necklace from Sandra Cabral hung on her bedpost like a halo. I finished the night by watching my Netflix movie Taxi Driver.

Based on the movie poster and stuff, I always thought it was about come crazy guy that goes on a shooting rampage. Actually, it is about a Taxi Driver (Robert DeNiro) that yearns for a purpose in life...too complex a movie to discuss within the confines of this blog entry.

Happy Halloween.


Sandy 11/01/2006 09:14:00 AM  

I think the kids had a lot of fun, and it was funny how GrannE was mistaken for a trick-or-treater TWICE during our outing. :)

I still love you, toothless grin and all!
