If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Friday, January 12, 2007

An answer to the proverbial questions...

Sometimes people have questions about Owen:

  • "Is he 4?"
    • No ma'am, he's 2.
  • "Are you gonna play football?"
    • No ma'am, we believe that for the safety of other children, Owen should play non-violent sports.


Sandy 1/12/2007 02:41:00 PM  

How about "What size clothes does he wear?"


Heather 1/12/2007 10:06:00 PM  

Seriously? I think he looks 2.

Certainly not 4.

But if I thought Owen looked 4, then I'd have to say K looks 4 as well...since his sister is 4 and people think she's 6, I have to say that K looks 2 1/2 or (at most) 3.

Wow. Way more commenting than you wanted.

How is your cyst, by the way?