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it's because I don't post much anymore.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blades to Balley - Their Apology Letter

I appreciated your letter informing me of this complaint and I wanted to let you know that I have spoken with Mr. Schroeder about the situation. I acknowledged to him that my statements were unprofessional and apologized for not having handled this in a better manner. I did explain to him what the differences are in the product we offer but that I was totally in error in the way in which I had approached the situation. I believe we came to a resolution of the problem. I have thanked Mr. Schroeder for his honesty and I am hopeful that he will remain a customer. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to respond and the chance to look at a situation and learn how we can improve our services.

Cris Fischer - Owner/President Blades to Ballet, Inc.
She even offered to sharpen my skates for free. I politely declined for now.