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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sandy what kid gets to wear this next year?

The kids have their costumes picked out for 2007 but it's never to early to look ahead. I can see one of Karen's kids in this sweet get-up, too.


Heather 10/16/2007 06:30:00 PM  

My kids don't even know who (what?) that is!

Kurt Schroeder 10/16/2007 10:42:00 PM  

Your children should not be reading my blog, Heather. There are lots of bad words like poop and pee that they could see and be influenced by.

But if they must know, R2-D2, or "Artoo" for short, is an astromech droid in the Star Wars universe. And, as pointed out so eloquently in the R2-D2 Wikipedia entry, "At least once in every film of the Star Wars saga, R2-D2 performs a droid function that rescues one or more of the series’ human protagonists, thus, in many cases, altering the fate of the galaxy."

When I was young someone showed up at our church Halloween party dressed as R2-D2 and I spent the entire evening talking to him and feeding him cookies.

laker73 10/18/2007 05:39:00 PM  

Kurt, have you checked to see if it comes in adult size?