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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Five Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kid Do

From this TED Talk.

  • Drive a Car
  • Have a pocket knife
  • Control Fire
  • Take Apart an Appliance
  • Throw a Spear
Comments? Personally, I agree with all of them. As a kid I played with fire and had a knife and took apart toys and anything else I could get my hands on. Twice in my life I have held a burning gas can through...not good!


ellen 1/05/2008 08:35:00 AM  

What parents don't know won't hurt them! A favorite memory is our fall leaf parties where we rotated duties among raking, lugging, and tending the fire. You must have figured it out: my letting you guys tend the fire was the bait for doing the job, but wasn't it fun!