If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Umm. . .no.

Recently Sandy blogged about how our life seemed so perfect that it might all disappear some day.

None of this landed in our laps.

Both Sandy and I (well Sandy) worked hard to get where we are today. Sandy toiled on weekends as a teacher building self confidence in her students and healthy rapport and respect from her co-workers.

Sandy constantly and consistently honed her housekeeping, cooking, exercising, and child rearing habits so she could be the one who bakes fresh bread, homeschools our kids, tracks our fancanial and tax situation, pays our bills early, shops when things are in season and on sale, and at the same time decides to lose 100 pounds and start running 5Ks all over town.

Sandy is the one who has built our life, her life, into what it is. Nothing landed in her lap, except for the occasional and greatly appreciated monetary gift from my mother, and the 99% of each paycheck that I don't spend on cappuccinos at Quik Trip.

We own both our car and our van because we are careful with our money and don't buy things we don't need. Our August trip to Itasca state park is pretty much paid off already.

I manage to mow the lawn, get to work on time (usually), and avoid getting fired. Also, I don't buy stuff on a whim. I would love a PS3 and a copy of GTA IV. My kids would love a WII. I would really like to get a motorcycle some day, or a little sports car, or an in ground basketball hoop. But I don;t need any of that crap. Instead, I have a great wife who looks better than the day I met her, loves me in spite of all my faults, and after all her hard work to build her life to where it is today, refuses to see that she can indeed take the credit.

Damn girl, you crazy.


Lora 7/16/2008 12:36:00 PM  

You guys rock!!!