If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Just a quick update. Ran up to Mom's new place in Plymouth with the kids. No carpet and no wallpaper but lots of promise! Helped avert what I thought was a shoddy microwave install. Kids ran on a treadmill for the first time! 2 MPH was what they could handle. Ate lunch at Subway. Owen made a funny comment while in the Sears restroom (Dad can you poop in those little ones) while I stood at the urinal next to a stranger. Very funny. Drove home listening to sleeping kids and a nursery rhyme CD. Skipped parents night at ballet. Kids too tired!

California here we come!


Oceanside Professional Organizer 11/17/2022 03:20:00 AM  
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