If you see fewer posts. . .

it's because I don't post much anymore.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Canoeing the Zumbro, and my Accidental Triathalon

This Saturday morning I took the kids canoeing down the Zumbro. We put in at a park in north Rochester and canoed a couple miles to a pot upstream where I could pull the canoe out. Water was deeper than previous attempts, we had some little rapids, and the kids loved paddling and shared the bow. Then I went home and worked in my pajamas until 10:30 at night taking IBM iSeries support calls.

Today I woke up and instead of attending Church, which starts at a sometimes too early (:00 am, I took the kids swimming at the Y. Then we came home for lunch. Dropped them off at an afternoon birthday party and then Sandy and I went to the Y again and I ran a little over three miles. Then we came home, picked up the kids, and I took them for a bike ride.

Swam, Ran, and Biked.

Sounds like a triathlon to me.