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What is the significance of this order of numbers?--They are in alphabetic order.
Is this a math problem? Because I am soooo bad at math. Giggle.
THis is not a math problem. THis is just something I had never seen and I made it up. There is a particular significance in the order of the numbers.
I just googled for the number and found the same puzzle so it's not original. But don't google for it until you tried to solve it!
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Is this a math problem? Because I am soooo bad at math. Giggle.
THis is not a math problem. THis is just something I had never seen and I made it up. There is a particular significance in the order of the numbers.
I just googled for the number and found the same puzzle so it's not original. But don't google for it until you tried to solve it!
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